I really enjoyed my architecture study at XJTLU. I am very grateful for every experience, from the design studios to lectures and seminars, from the field trip to the international workshop. It was a great inspiration for my future life.
After graduation, going into practice was my priority choice. Mur Mur Lab is a young architecture design studio based in Shanghai, founded in 2016. I joined the team in September 2018 and started working as an assistant architect and brand assistant. I have been engaged in over 20 projects, which can be categorised into three types, future store, urban installation and small-scale architecture renovation. I have been working in all phases of design, from the concept communication to the design development, from on-site regular meetings to project documentation and representation. The experience has been exhilarating, challenging and tough, but I have enjoyed it nevertheless and learned how to communicate design concepts to the clients in the preliminary design stage and how to push the concepts forward into realisation.