I really enjoyed XJLTU Architecture’s comprehensive education with its balance of design studios, theoretical courses and technical skills training. The studios taught me how to develop my design thinking critically; the theory courses, especially the philosophy course, helped me to understand contemporary architectural theory; the technology courses provided strong foundations in production. After three years of studying architecture, I found my interest and strength is in digital design and its theory.
To further explore the potentiality of machine and digital design in architecture, I have joined the Studio Greg Lynn at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. XJTLU’s strong foundation in theory helps me to understand Greg’s theory, whereas the experience in the design studios and technology courses have provided a sound basis for the more challenging design studios in my Master. Greg Lynn’s first-year studio engages with AI simulation, using a game design engine as a tool to study flow. Instead of using animation and simulation merely to analyse and render, we began by researching food culture in history, then drawing a storyboard of how the contemporary dining experience could change in the context of phone culture and highly mobile lifestyles. The storyboard was translated and programmed using AI behaviour trees to generate our design.